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Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund II


What is NPIF II?

A £660 million investment fund to support the growth of small and medium-sized businesses across the North of England launched in March 2024.

The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund II is one of a series of new Nations and Regions Investment Funds launched by the British Business Bank delivering a £1.6 billion commitment of new funding to drive sustainable economic growth.

The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund II offers a range of commercial finance options with loans from £25,000 to £2 million and equity investment up to £5 million. The fund covers the entire North of England including Greater Manchester, Liverpool City Region, Lancashire, Yorkshire & the Humber, Cheshire & Warrington, Cumbria, County Durham, Tyne & Wear, and Northumberland.

It aims to tackle an identified funding gap between the North and South of England and increase the supply and diversity of early-stage finance for smaller businesses.

We provide loans from £100,000 to £2 million to help businesses grow. The funding can be used for a variety of business needs, including: 

  • Acquisitions
  • Owner occupier property purchases / upgrades / expansion
  • Purchasing equipment or machinery
  • Working capital
  • Developing products, services and software
  • Expanding into new markets, including internationally
  • Marketing
  • Recruitment
  • Transition to net zero

Loans are available between 1 - 5 years.


We can help businesses who have the potential to grow and who are based in the North of England, with a focus on the following areas:

  • Cheshire
  • Cumbria
  • Greater Manchester
  • Lancashire
  • Merseyside

If your business isn’t based in the right area, but is either willing to relocate or will have a material presence in the region as a result of the investment, then this should be sufficient – our local Investment Executives can provide further guidance on this.

Before you start your application, make sure your business meets the criteria of the fund.

Making a NPIF II application

To apply for a loan, you’ll need to provide us with the following:

  • 3 months bank statements
  • 3 years annual accounts 
  • Latest management accounts, including P&L, Balance Sheet and Aged Debtors & Creditors 
  • Statement of personal assets and liabilities 

We may require further information as part of your application.


Need to know more first?

If you have a question on NPIF II, just send us a message or try reading our FAQ section. Alternatively, if you are ready to apply, you can begin here.




Supported by Nations and Regions Investment Limited, a subsidiary of British Business Bank plc, the Bank is a development bank wholly owned by HM Government. Neither Nations and Regions Investment Limited nor British Business Bank plc are authorised or regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).