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 “The investment from FW Capital will make a massive difference to our business and the speed at which we can scale up our operations. The big area of growth is increasing our stock levels, and the full impact will be seen in the new year. This investment will assist our plans to introduce further new high quality and innovative products into our range.”

Dan Briggs, Managing Director, Fittingsco

Fittingsco was able to grow its team as it aims to increase sales and expand its stock levels following investment from NPIF II – FW Capital Debt Finance, which is managed by FW Capital as part of the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund II. 

Fittingsco was founded in 2017 by Dan Briggs, a former Team GB swimmer who started up the business around his swimming training. Fittingsco specialises in furniture fittings ranging from cabinet hinges and drawers to LED under counter lighting. 

Located in Chadderton, Fittingsco has an already established range of premier choice for products and service throughout the kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms industry. The funding helped Fittingsco welcome an experienced industry specialist to the team and invest in more stock which will further increase sales for the firm.

Fittingsco covers the whole of the UK and overseas, distributing products from manufacturers including DTC, a renowned manufacturer of hinges, runners, and drawer systems and kitchen and furniture accessories manufacturer STARAX. 

In 2024, the business announced its partnership with Harley & Wager a new decorative hardware brand which is bringing fresh ideas and new designs to the handle market.