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Waterhouse Electrical & Engineering Services

“This funding is helping to accelerate our growth ambitions, allowing us to invest in new services and our staff. This is integral to our future success. The support from FW Capital has been fantastic.”

Daniel Lee, Director of Canonbury and Waterhouse Electrical & Engineering Services

Waterhouse Electrical & Engineering Services were able to announce expansion plans after receiving a six figure investment from the British Business Bank's South West Investment Fund.

The company is run by an experienced management team and has been trading for over 26 years. In 2023 the business received equity investment from investment firm Canonbury Group, headed by Daniel Lee and Alex Collins. Waterhouse provides a comprehensive range of mechanical and electrical facilities maintenance services, planned and reactive maintenance and projects throughout the Somerset, North Somerset, Bristol, Bath and South Gloucestershire areas.

The funding arranged by appointed fund manager FW Capital allowed the Weston-Super-Mare electrical and mechanical business to introduce several initiatives as part of  its  strategic growth plans and following increased demand. 

These included the launch of new services in the renewable sector to offer the installation and maintenance of heat pumps, solar panels and electric vehicle charging. The company used the investment to recruit several more engineers, boost marketing activity and improve systems and technology to enhance efficiency and support further growth.