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Connectus launches thermal imaging technology to help businesses detect Covid-19

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NPIF - FW Capital-backed Connectus is joining the battle to bring the UK economy back to full strength with the introduction of a managed service to provide real-time, non-contact measurements that can spot site visitors with elevated temperatures to help keep Covid-19 away from the workforce.  

Temperature Sentinel by Connectus uses thermal imaging technology to identify those who may be suffering from Covid-19 or other illnesses, allowing business managers to maintain a live, 24/7 overview of site visitors.

Connectus Group provides a range of connectivity and end user managed services including VOIP, data storage and cyber security. The company works from offices in Doncaster and Salford with a host of blue-chip clients such as BT, Vodafone and Peel Holdings, as well as numerous SMEs.

NPIF – FW Capital Debt Finance has provided two loans totalling £300,000 which have been invested in technical development including Temperature Sentinel, marketing and training for the team. 

Connectus Group Chief Technology Officer Duncan Shaw said: “In the coming months, industry and commerce across the UK will be pressed into service to adapt and thrive through creativity and smart investments. Our new Temperature Sentinel service can not only allow businesses to keep harmful viruses from entering their premises, it can also send a clear signal to employees, stakeholders, clients and partners that positive action has been taken as part of a long-term business strategy. 

“Confidence is key as the country gets back to business, especially if the ‘new normal’ means a lasting change to the fundamentals of how we all manage offices, workforces and visitors.”

FW Capital Portfolio Executive Melanie Taylor said: “As the world returns to work after lockdown, businesses across the UK are going to have to introduce safety measures to secure continuity for the future.

“The technical team at Connectus are leaders in their field and are continually developing new products and services. The Temperature Sentinal technology will help businesses get back up and running which is vital to reboot the economy.”