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Webinar - The Future of Sales

Calling all Teesside businesses!

The world has fundamentally shifted. The way we do business has evolved and grown with access to wider markets at the click of a zoom call.

No doubt our businesses have also changed, adapted, grown, shrunk, diversified and streamlined with an ever evolving approach to the way we interact with stakeholders, shareholders, employees and our networks. The future of sales sits right now on the precipice of a momentous pivot – the biggest in our lifetimes.

Are you and your teams ready to embrace it?

We are delighted to be joined by Jessica Williams, Founder and Managing Director at Just Williams for this webinar.

We will also be hearing from FW Capital's Allison Routledge and Sam Streckert who will be discussing what funding opportunities are available to help your business reach the next stage in its growth.

This is the first of a series of events we will be hosting throughout 2021. Look out for announcements on our future webinars!

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