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JRC Roofing Distributors

“The funding from FW Capital has enabled us to purchase a new property, and the whole process was very smooth. Laura Rees was fantastic – very efficient and offered us advice even on things we didn’t realise we needed.”

Rosie Connor, Planning Director, JRC Roofing Distributors

JRC Roofing Distributors (JRC) were able to relocate its main depot to a larger commercial premises after receiving a six-figure funding boost from NPIF – FW Capital Debt Finance, as part of the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund.

JRC are highly experienced slate suppliers, specialising in sourcing and delivering slate and roof tiles from around the globe. As a well-established name within the roofing industry, JRC supply quality roofing slate across the UK. In addition to the wide range of natural roofing slate, JRC have provided a comprehensive range of ridge tiles, copper nails, chimney pots and accessories for over 23 years.

The business had outgrown its previous premises in Burnley and moved to a 0.84-acre site at Further Lee Farm, Burnley Road in Colne. The prestigious site includes a Grade II listed house with offices in a prominent roadside position at the end of the M65.

The first NPIF investment phase has now completed with the British Business Bank launching the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund II in March 2024.