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Central Group

“We’re proud to be a preferred supplier for major machine manufacturers and we’re working with some big blue chip companies, helping them to invest in our innovative monitoring technology. The support from Laura Rees at FW Capital has been very important, providing us with the necessary working capital to drive change.”

Shaun Sutton, Managing Director, Central Group

Electromechanical specialist Central Group secured a £700K investment package to support significant growth, job creation and advances in new technology for its digital transformation strategy.

A second-generation family-run business, Central Group is managed by the Sutton brothers, Shaun and Tim, who took control of the business in 2001. The North-West based company specialises in the supply, installation, repair, and maintenance of industrial electric motors, generators, inverter drives, and industrial pumps. It works with leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) such as ABB, Nidec, Innomotics and Siemens and is a specialist in the rotating machinery sector, with over 50 years’ experience. 

Located in Knowsley, the investment from NPIF II – FW Capital Debt Finance, which is managed by FW Capital and part of the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund II (NPIF II), helped create new jobs and support its work with Liverpool University and Liverpool John Moore University with whom it is collaborating on a Knowledge Transfer Project. 

Combining academic research and industrial expertise, they paved the way for advances in technology with regards to system diagnostics and maintenance optimisation. This involved the development of an AI-driven prognostic health management system for industrial drives.